
Helping men to grow in Christ so others can know Christ.
United Methodist Men shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spirituality and to seek daily his will.
Ministry to Men
The General Commission on Men exists to declare the centrality of Christ in every man’s life. Men’s ministry leads to the spiritual growth of men and effective discipleship. This purpose is served as men are called to model the servant leadership of Jesus Christ.
The General Commission provides resources and support for civic youth-serving agencies and scouting ministries.
Strength for Service
This powerful daily devotional has provided words of comfort and of encouragement for the men and women of the armed forces, civil service and public servants since 1942. Learn more about how this book has touched lives and how you can participate in the effort to underwrite the publication and distribution of one million copies of this book.
History of the United Methodist Men
Methodist Men’s Work: It’s Our Heritage
The Otterbein Brotherhood
The Albright Brotherhood
The Brotherhood of the Evangelical United Brethren Church
Evangelical United Brethren Men
History of the United Brethren
Chronology of the United Methodist Men’s Organization
Milestones Since The Great Merger of 1968